Welcome to my Blog!!!

Here I will share exclusive updates about various new projects that DA Designs will be working on and where we will be expanding our brand throughout the world.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So this is my first time blogging, so bear with me as I'm new to this and will try to post as often as possible about my daily life as an Independent Fashion Designer and what that means to me.

For me, as a designer, it's a blessing to have the ability to make something from a sketch into something that is real and to have people actually want to buy my clothes is even more amazing to me.

I started this blog because aside from my bio that listed on my page, I wanted people to really get to know me and know why I decided to get into this field and what separates me from other designers out there. 

There's so much that I want to do with the gifts that God has given me, I draw, paint, do screen printing, pattern-making, sewing(of Course), write, cook like a chief from France; as my Hubby has told me on numerous occasions, sing, dance, model, and I'm now writing a comic/Graphic Novel (more on that later)!!
You could say that I love all things creative and without this joy in my life, I'm not really sure what else I would be doing with such a great passion.

I have Traveled to many great places; among them, all of Italy, a little of France, Greece, Spain, Sweden, and hopefully my next trip will be Japan, and met some wonderful people along the way.

I have worked with numerous amounts of models, photographers, designers, and countless other industry professional, as well, I have also had the opportunity to actually work for a Great LA Designer, and also a Manufacturing company in which I was an assistant designer. Now that I'm doing my own thing in the fashion world, I want to be able to share my experience with other people and encourage others that might want ot get into this area as well.

I still have a lot to learn and I'm learning everyday and I'm trilled whenever someone orders my clothing or purchases an item from one of the local boutiques where I have my clothes, the feeling is, for lack of a better word, wonderful.

I hope my experiences will excite and interest others in my journey to become an internationally successful Fashion Superstar!!

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